Honoured Donation/s

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My reason to ask you for a donation is to improve my professionality and the possibilities to develop my work (technical equipment) and to get free from constant thoughts like: "How can I sell a piece of art work and for how long will I be able to run my internet presentation". I really would appreciate your donation. Depending on the amount of donated money I would like to honoure you in a kind of equivalence with one of my art works. This could be a print or a TIFF file itself with all copyrights documented, or ....
All this means: Please donate only if you really like my works (my computerpaintings, my digitally created art works).
The donation itself would to be made on the following account: IBAN: NL77ABNA0540687650 BIC: ABNANL2A at ABNAMRO on the name of Immo Jalass.
Thank You very much.
Email: nemhja@upcmail.nl

On the following sites there are shown several different art works of mine:

NewMasterArtists - With some backgroundinformation for several of my computerpaintings



The TIFF files can be printed in any technical possible size and / or manner on all possible materials without loss in form or color.

Immo Jalass
Bijlmerdreef 732
1103 DS Amsterdam
Tel.: (+31) 020-7729374
Email: nemhja@upcmail.nl
Internet: Galerie Jalass
